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Compliances for E-Commerce Businesses in India

E-commerce has transformed the way business is done in India.Much of the growth for the industry has been triggered by an increase in internet and smartphone penetration. The customers are quickly shifting from retail market to online Platforms like Flipcart, Amazon, Snapdeal etc. for their purchase requirements. Similarly, the retail businesses are also shifting from retail market to online platforms. This article discusses about compliances required by entities engaged in e-commerce market.

An e-Commerce operator is a person who owns, operates, or manages a digital/electronic facility for the sale of goods and services. He is responsible for making payments to the e-Commerce participant on such sales.

An e-Commerce participant is a person who sells goods, services, or both through an electronic facility provided by an e-Commerce operator.

Compliances under GST:

Mandatory Registration under GST:

Applicability of TCS:

TCS Return Filing by E-Commerce Operators:

Details to be furnished in GSTR-8:

Following details must be furnished by the e-commerce operator in GSTR-8:

1. Details of Supplies attracting TCS:

2. Amendments to details of supplies attracting TCS:

3. Details of Interest:

4. Payment Details:

Compliance under Income Tax:

TDS Deduction under Section 194O:

Threshold Limit:

Rate of Deduction:

Residential Status of Deductee/Payee:

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